Thursday, September 22, 2022

From Motion Pictures To Steaming Services

Over the course of the years we have always been  a society that generally strives for bigger and better things. 

This is the same thing that has happened with the history and evolution of the motion picture

Because I did my story on motion pictures I felt that the best presentation was the one on Netflix.

Originally we started off with a rudimentary zoetrope which evolved into the Kinetoscope, which was the first time we see people paying to consume a mini movie. 

Lastly we had the Cinematographe, which was our first big step into the world of consuming movies. 

Since then we have only ever progressed as far as streaming services go. Now almost every movie and TV show can be accessed though our phones, laptops, and TV’s. 

When Netflix came out in 1998, it was the start of a new kind of media consumption. I found this super interesting because I remember when my mom and her friends would talk about their Netflix movies coming in the mail. 

With most of the technologies that the class discussed they were from a different time frame so I loved being able to have memories of Netflix slightly in its early stages. 

One of the most interesting things I learned from the Netflix presentation was that Netflix has a video game side to it as well. 

Because Netflix has an algorithm it tries it’s best to recommend content to you based on the things that you watch. 

Personally my Netflix recommendations are a mix of true crime stories and romantic comedies. 

Because of that I don’t get any recommendations of any gaming activities. 

So I found it really interesting  that Netflix even has that. It shows how companies like Netflix are able to supply media and entertainment  to many different types of customers. 

This also sets Netflix apart from other streamings services because they offer not only movies and TV shows but also not Video games. 

This shows how the entertainment industry will always continue to create and find new ways to satisfy the public. 

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