Thursday, September 1, 2022

Media Outlets: The Way We Consume Media


When it comes to the way that we as viewers consume media there are endless methods to doing so. Since we are in an age where almost everything can be digitally accessed it creates new heights and bounds for news and media producers to get their platforms out there. Laid out are a few of my personal favorite ways to consume media and news.


Photo: Instagram.Com

Though Instagram is primarily a way of posting about ones private life it it also heavily used by businesses to promote their product. 

When it comes to news outlets this is no different, they usually post a photo with a headline for the article and then a brief description of the article in the caption. 

Personally this is the most convenient for me because I am often on Instagram. By being able to check in on the news as well as send different news headlines to friends and family it makes it easy to stay in the loop with current events.

It also allows me to check in quickly on different news outlets and see different perspectives on the same topic based on whatever news outlet I’m looking at.

 Additionally as a future Journalist social media makes it way easier to find sources and connect with an audience. Apps like these also show you who your demographic is so you can better tailor your content to your audience. 



YouTube is primarily a video based platform however they also have podcasts as well as quick one minute reels that are similar to TikTok. 

YouTube is great for video based news outlets for example TV news stations will often stream their broadcast live or they will post clips of the highlights of their broadcast. 

This is really good for people which buster schedules who may not always have time to catch a live broadcast or people who are on the go and want to watch live while they are away form home. 

This also allows the news stations so foster other sources of income since having their product on other platforms allows them to gain more followers and views. This is perfect for a platform like YouTube because the more views you get the more companies can monetize their content. 

I personally like to use YouTube to get my news because I can watch updates from the past. For instance on live TV you can only watch what is being immediately broken in the news, however if you missed the first reports on the issue you can go back and review the news clips. This makes it a lot easier to do research on topics. 

Personally, in a past class I had to do a report on a serial killer from the early 90’s and I watched a lot of YouTube to review the past coverage on the killer. It made it a lot easier to get a better picture of the time and the way that the crime impacted the community. 



Though TikTok is mostly an app for people to post ridiculous short videos for likes, views and laughs, however, it is also a great resource for consuming news. Because TikTok videos are supposed to be short video clips it means when you do find news outlets on it, the videos are very quick and concise. 

This is great if you just want the bare bones of a story or an overall summary of the story. Especially if the story is relatively simple and to the point. However, for stories that are more layered people often post videos about a topic in parts. 

This allows the viewers to feel involved and invested in the story because they have to come back and look out for the second or third installment of the story. 

The majority of news that you can find on TikTok is usually political or crime related. People don’t tend to post weather reports or many local stories mainly because it is such a large platform with many viewers from all over the world. 

Apple News

                                                                   Photo: Apple

Apple News is one of my favorite ways to consume news on a day to day basis. It is an app that you can download on your phone, laptop, or I pad. 

I especially love that all the news is broken down into different categories so you can decide if you only want to look at politically related news or crime related news.

 This makes it super easy when yo are looked for something specific or if you are trying to look at a follow up article on a particular subject. 

I also enjoy the fact that you can also watch videos if there is one that coresponds with the article that you are reading. 

It makes tougher subjects a lot more palatable and easier to understand when you have two or more references to understanding the topic. 

I also just enjoy the ease in which I can obtain the news, I can just open the app and check the news and make sure that I am getting the most recent and up to dat news as possible. 


Photo: WRAL Facebook

As a Raleigh local I can’t not mention WRAL News, it is a popular news station in the Raleigh, Durham area. 

They are a great source to use if you are wanting to get regular updates on the news as they broadcast multiple times though out the day. 

They also have an app as well as a website that gives you quick updates on the news. This allows you to be in the know about what is going on at all times throughout the day. 

My personal favorite thing about WRAL is that they do mini documentaries on local events and people. For example, if there is historical land somewhere that has an interesting twist they do a deep dive video on the topic.

 I like this because it gives you more of a connection to your community and lets you stay aware of the new and instructing things that are going on.

Another great thing is that most of the reporters are native to North Carolina or have lived here for a very long time so they are able to connect with their viewers in that way. 

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