Thursday, September 22, 2022

Motion Pictures: The Evolution of Film


The invention of the motion picture has shaped the entertainment business in every way. The simple illusion that was once a simple parlor trick has turned tin to a billion dollar industry that allows viewers to be fully emerged in the the experience that is film. 

In 1834 William Horner invented the Zoetrope. Similar to a lazy-Susan it is a round devices that sits on a start and spins. 
On the inner walls a person can paste different pictures in succession of an object or a person in motion. 
Then by turning the object it creates the illusion that the image is moving.

This idea is what started people thinking about the possibility of a Motion Picture. 
As simple as it sounds, this was actually a difficult think to figure out. Cameras were still new and back then you had to stand still in order to get a really good picture. 

So to be able to capture things in motion and then go on to make them look like they were actually moving was a huge idea for the time. 

The first official Motion Picture was created by Eadweard Muybridge. He was hired by a group of friends who were looking to settle a bet. 

After a horse race, they wanted to know if at any point all four legs of the horse were all on the ground. 

So Muybridge took photos and was able to help them settle it once and for all. 

In 1891 Thomas Edison and William Dickson invented the Kenetoscope. This was a took that you could put a long trip of film on a rotator belt. 

If you looked though a small hole the stops would more at about fourth frames per second and it would look like a mini movie was playing.

 This was the start to people paying for a movie if you will, customers would insert change into the machine and then the brief movie would play. 


It wasn’t until 1895 just a few years later that we got the first official Motion picture projected movie. William Friese-Greene invented the Cinematographe. It was a machine that played film and was able to project it onto a screen. 

The lummiere brothers created the first movie using one of these. Since then our participation in the film industry has only progressed . 

Today we have millions of movies that are made all over the world. As well as many movie theaters all over the world.

 However in recent decades, people have been able to enjoy movies from the comfort of their homes. 

As viewers motion pictures are in basically everything we do. In school you can watch clips from the deep depths of the ocean to better understand it. At work people present PowerPoints for an upcoming project.

 Even on our phones people scroll for hours watch short clips, not unlike ones shown on the kinetoscope in 1891. 

Motion picture technology has changed our history forever. And it will continue to be a mainstream source of entertainment for all. 

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