Tuesday, October 4, 2022

EOTO Reflection: Gatekeeping In The Media Today


One of the terms that was most interesting was the concept of gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is when someone  deliberately keeps information from others in an effort to keep the information to their self. This can be done on a small safely between friends who lie about what perfume they’re wearing. 

Or it can have a much darker side and be between government and citizens. Imagine if instead of a friend lying to you it was your government. This is the main concern with Gatekeeping, some people wonder how we can have a democracy if the government is picking a choosing what to tell us. 

This is why whistle blowers are vital to our society, we as the people have no idea what our government could be lying to us about at any given moment. However by having inside sources and government employees we are able to get access to classified documents. 

The term Gatekeeping has also become way more mainstream in todays world anyway. On the popular social media site TikTok it has become a popular joke that many creators include in their videos. They may say things like “ I got this rug from … because I’m not gonna Gatekeep”. 

Though it is in a more lighthearted setting in todays world it isn’t a term people are unfamiliar with. 

Though it makes you think about it in a political setting how how it could be potentially dangerous. Had Edward Snowden not leaked government documents about the spying software that the NSA we might not have ever known about it. 

I found it interesting the way that both of these topics perfectly overlap. They are also still extremely  relevant topics of today. With the way the terms have come into the media today on more mainstream platforms, I have hope that people will start to take closer looks at things in our government as well. 


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